M.S. in Health & Exercise Science
Program Overview
The Department of Health and Exercise Science (HES) offers a 2-year program leading to a Master of Science degree. The HES department has a research agenda focused on understanding the determinants and prevention of chronic disease and disability across the lifespan. The curriculum is designed to prepare individuals for careers as clinical exercise specialists in preventive and rehabilitative lifestyle programs, positions in clinical research programs, and further study in graduate programs or allied health programs.
We offer students (a) rigorous coursework from faculty who are teacher-scholars, (b) an internship in the chronic disease management program run by the department where students apply the principles learned in the classroom, and (c) a M.S. thesis requirement where students work one-on-one with a faculty advisor. Members of the HES faculty are engaged in collaborative research and funded studies with the Departments of Cardiology, Pulmonology, Public Health Sciences, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, and Neurology at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the Virginia Tech-Wake Forest University School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences.
On-campus interviews are strongly encouraged and should be scheduled for January or February.
On-campus visits are critical to the application process as they provide an opportunity for the applicant to visit our research labs/facilities as well as meet the HES Graduate faculty.
If logistics prevent an on-campus interview from taking place, we can schedule a remote interview via Zoom.
Please contact Dr. Jeffrey Katula, the HES Director of Graduate Studies, at 336.758.3612 or katulaj@wfu.edu to make arrangements for an M.S. Health & Exercise Science interview.
Orientation and Teaching Assignment
All first-year M.S. Health & Exercise Science students arrive on campus in the fall, one week prior to the start of the academic year, to participate in orientation. In the first year, students receiving a Teaching Assistantship assist a faculty member in teaching one departmental course each semester.
During the second year, Teaching Assistants assist a faculty member in teaching two classes each semester. These classes may include introductory courses (e.g., Exercise & Health), laboratory courses (e.g., Human Anatomy) and/or activity classes (e.g., weight training).
Academic Calendar
The Fall semester starts in late August with the first year graduate students arriving one week prior to the official start of classes for a week of orientation. Classes and exams are generally over by the second or third week of December; however, graduate students continue to work in the Healthy Exercise & Lifestyle ProgramS (HELPS).
Graduate students are also required to spend the summer between the first and second year in Winston-Salem. The major reasons for this are:
- The internship in HELPS is a year-round appointment
- Students will begin work on their thesis project
- Students work on additional research projects conducted by faculty members
Students are funded to work in HELPS during the summer months. This generally involves 8-10 hours per week. Following the completion of the second year, second year students are encouraged to assist with HELPS until the end of June.
Internship In HELPS (Healthy Exercise And Lifestyle ProgramS)
First-year students in the M.S. Health & Exercise Science program serve an internship with the Wake Forest University Healthy Exercise & Lifestyle ProgramS (HELPS). Internships in the HELPS program provides HES graduate students with valuable practical experiences, such as exercise testing/prescription as well as other lifestyle interventions (nutrition, weight management, stress management) in a chronic disease prevention program.
HELPS is offered jointly through the Departments of Health and Exercise Science and Community/Sports Medicine at Wake Forest University.
Research & Thesis
All M.S. Health & Exercise Science students are required to complete a thesis under the direction of one of the graduate faculty members. During the fall semester of the graduate students’ first year, students select a thesis advisor. Each graduate faculty member supervises one student. The thesis topic of the student parallels the research interest of the faculty advisor. Listed under the description of the graduate faculty are recent publications which exemplify the graduate faculty members’ research interest.
In addition to the thesis project, other opportunities for involvement in research exist within the department. Students contemplating further graduate study at the doctoral level are encouraged to become involved with these projects.

Apply to WFU
Ready to apply to Wake Forest? Visit our graduate admissions site for details on how to get started.
Academic Bulletin
Information on degree requirements for the M.S. in Health & Exercise Science can be found in our Academic Bulletin.