Principal Investigator:
Stephen P. Messier, PhD
The objective of this Phase III, multi-site (Boston, MA, Chapel Hill, NC, Sydney, Australia, and Winston-Salem, NC) randomized clinical trial is to establish the efficacy of an intervention of dietary weight loss, exercise, and weight-loss maintenance for knee OA prevention.
Site Principal Investigators:

Site PI: Shannon Mihalko, PhD

Site PI: Elena Losina, PhD, MSc

Site PI: Leigh Callahan, PhD

Data Coordinating Center: Edward Ip, PhD

Site PI: David Hunter, MD

Data Coordinating Center: Jimi Cook, DVM, PhD, OTSC
Ali Guermazi, MD, PhD, Jeffery Katz, MD, MSc, Emily Leary, PhD, Richard Loeser Jr., MD, Gary Miller, R.D. PhD, Brian Pietrosimone, PhD, ATC, Sandra Soto, PhD, Kurt Spindler, MD, Ezequiel Zamora, MD
Interested in Participating?
Study participants receive, at no cost:
- A 48-month healthy lifestyle program
- Classes may include a combination of weight loss, healthy lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise
You may qualify to participate if you:
- Are female and at least 50 years of age
- Are overweight
- Have little to no knee pain
Contact us:
To learn more, please call 877-238-4825, option 6; email us at;
or visit to see if you qualify
Funding Sources: