Congratulations to our faculty who received research awards in February 2016!
Michael Berry: The 2016 Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Henry Montoye Scholar Award Jeff Katula: Award for Excellence in Research. -This award is presented annually to an outstanding young scholar in the college or School of Business who is either an assistant professor or […]
The Health and Exercise Science Department has moved!
The Health and Exercise Science Department has moved from Reynolds Gymnasium to a new addition on the west side of the Worrell Professional Center. The Worrell Professional Center can be found using the interactive campus map at HES Faculty and Staff offices […]
Resistance Training Seems to Preserve Bone Mineral Density in Seniors
Beets and beetroot juice showing health benefits
Gary Miller and others have studied the health benefits of beets and beetroot juice.
Kristen Beavers – proposal funded
Congratulations to Kristen Beavers, assistant professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Effect of Exercise Modality During Weight Loss on Bone Health in Older Adults” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number 1K01AG047921-01A1.
$6 million grant for WE-CAN funded, the largest in university history
Congratulations to Steve Messier and colleagues Shannon Mihalko and Gary Miller on their receipt of a grant to fund their study Weight Loss and Exercise for Communities with Arthritis in North Carolina (WE-CAN). Read more here!
Food and Fitness in Foreign Lands
HELPS – The Hidden Gym Learn more about HELPS here!
Former Health and Exercise Science Major Rob Musci Awarded Fulbright Scholarship
See the story at: