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Over 65? Researchers say high-protein diet may be a good way to lose weightKristen Beavers at computer

There are so many diets out there that promise to be the magic bullet — Keto, Whole 30 and Jenny Craig.  But what if you’re 65 years or older?  Researchers at Wake Forest University did a study to find the best answer.  Researcher Dr. Kristen Beavers said doctors often don’t recommend weight loss for seniors because they worry they’ll lose muscle mass, which is important as you age.  The study was conducted on two groups of 50 people.  One group lost weight following a high protein, nutritionally complete meal plan. At the conclusion of the study, each person lost about 18 pounds.  The second group was instructed to maintain their weight. This group lost on average half a pound.  The diet is accessible to anyone — high protein drinks with two meals of chicken or fish and low carbohydrate vegetables.  The participants also attended health education classes and were encouraged to be active, if they could.
