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Congratulations! Dr. Jeff Katula, Associate Professor of Health and Exercise Science, received funding for “Strategic Grant – U.S. POINTER Study” by the Alzheimer’s Association and Rush University Medical Center.

Congratulations to Dr. Kristen Beavers, Associate Professor of Health and Exercise Science, whose proposal entitled “Incorporating nutrition, vests, education and strength training in bone health (INVEST in bone health)” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health.


Congratulations! Dr. Jack Rejeski, Research Professor of Health and Exercise Science, received funding for “Intervening on Sedentary Behavior to Prevent Weight Regain in Older Adults” by the National Institutes of Health and WFU Health Sciences; and funding for “Long-Term Function and Health Effects of Intentional Weight Loss in Obese Elders” by the National Institutes of Health and WFU Health Sciences.
