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HES Offers RAD as an Activity Course for WFU Women!

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) is a comprehensive course that begins with awareness, prevention and avoidance. It progresses to the basics of hand-to-hand defense training. The course is not a martial arts program, though it teaches realistic self-defense tactics and techniques.  RAD classes are taught on campus through Health & Exercise Science and the University Police Department. Classes receive academic credit.  Check out all the Fall 2019 HES Activity Courses being offered!  Click here for more information about RAD.

Fall 2019 RAD Schedule:

1A  96646 HES 120 D (RAD) T 03:30 PM 05:20 PM GYMN B307 (8/26/19-10/15/19)
1A  96686 HES 120 E (RAD) W 03:30 PM 05:20 PM GYMN B307 (8/26/19-10/15/19)
1A  96687 HES 120 F (RAD) M W 02:00 PM 02:50 PM GYMN B307 (8/26/19-10/15/19)
1A  96688 HES 120 G (RAD) R 03:30 PM 05:20 PM GYMN B307 (8/26/19-10/15/19)
1B  96689 HES 120 H (RAD) M 03:30 PM 05:20 PM GYMN B307 (10/16/19-12/14/19)
1B  96690 HES 120 I (RAD) T 03:30 PM 05:20 PM GYMN B307 (10/16/19-12/14/19)
1B  96691 HES 120 J (RAD) W 03:30 PM 05:20 PM GYMN B307 (10/16/19-12/14/19)
1B  96692 HES 120 K (RAD) M W 02:00 PM 02:50 PM GYMN B307 (10/16/19-12/14/19)
1B  96693 HES 120 L (RAD) R 03:30 PM 05:20 PM GYMN B307 (10/16/19-12/14/19)
