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 We hope you will be among the thousands of alumni returning home for Homecoming and Reunion Weekend November 2 – 3rd. If so, please plan to come by the Health and Exercise Science Department (in Worrell Hall) for our Open House on Friday from 3p to 4:30p.  If you haven’t already done so, you definitely need to come by and check out our new space (moved from Reynolds Gym ~3 years ago) in Worrell Hall.

Most of the HES faculty will be there and are looking forward to reconnecting with you!  If you will be in town for the weekend but can’t make it to the reception on Friday afternoon, please let me know so that we can try to connect another time/place (i.e. football game, etc).   If you won’t be at Homecoming this year, please stay connected with us through your favorite social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram) @HESWFU.

If you have not yet registered for Homecoming and Reunion Weekend or would like to know more information about other departments’ events, please visit the  Homecoming website. If you have specific questions about the HES reception, please contact Andrea Cox at 336-758-5391.
